I live in Austin TX, with my 10 year old beagle mutt, Norah. I currently present my work through the independent performance group, Saint Loree Joan, of which I am a founding member.  SLJ creates original performances that are bold and explorative, and prioritizes rigor in experimentation and process over success and product.


In my work as a director, I play with miscommunication, inaudibility, and intensely strictured movement. I focus on the energy produced when straining to hear and to understand. I am drawn to analog process over digital. The presence of smart technology in everyday life has presented so much more virtual space for emotional and verbal connection and sharing of information, while also depriving us of nuanced physical gestural communication. This connection offered to us from the screen disconnects us from our body. My process seeks out fissures, cracks, and lacks in virtual and physical communication, identity, connectedness, and separateness.